By Tom Shapland, PhD, July 27, 2020
Last summer, I was talking to a viticulturist about the water stress level of one of his blocks. “The midday leaf water potential says 14 bars, but it is 104 degrees out,” He said. “It’s probably more like a 12. I’m not going to irrigate yet.” I’ve heard many growers make similar statements. Vapor pressure deficit, which is a measure of the dryness of the atmosphere and tends to increase during high temperature events, has a strong influence on pressure chamber readings.
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By Team Tule, May 13, 2019
This season, there are two new additions to the Next 7 Days Irrigation Recommendation table on the
Tule dashboard. When you’re making your irrigation decisions, you can now quickly review how much
you applied last year and what similar fields are applying.
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By Team Tule, March 6, 2019
Technology and management practices have always driven yield gains in California almond production.
To an almond grower from the 1970s, our current almond yields would be unfathomable.
In the future, statewide yields will be 4,000 pounds per acre, like we see today in the highest
performing orchards...
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By Team Tule, November 1, 2018
Folks are spreading the word about the benefits of using Tule’s Actual ET sensors for managing irrigation. Thank you! To show our appreciation, we wanted to share one of our favorite places with you...
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By Team Tule, May 21, 2018
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Maui Raffle this spring. We greatly appreciate you spreading the word about Tule and how you are leveraging Actual ET for irrigation management within your organization...
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By Team Tule, August 17, 2017
Targets for FieldStat now have more flexibility in the range of stress levels. Please watch the video below to learn how to update your targets. After you watch the video, visit the dashboard detail pages for your blocks to customize your targets for each block...
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By Team Tule, July 26, 2017
We are excited to introduce to you our new FieldStat Water Stress Forecasts! The forecasts are a great leap forward in irrigation management technology for two reasons. First, the FieldStat Water Stress Forecasts provide you and our other growers with the ability to see the number of days until you need to irrigate and the influence of future irrigation applications on the water stress of the plants. This ability to see into the future is a first in the 10,000 year history of agriculture. Second, FieldStat Water Stress Forecasts are the foundation for advancing towards the future of precision agriculture. Today, we are a significant step closer to connecting the dots between each irrigation decision and the final crop yield and quality...
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By Team Tule, July 25, 2017
Video recordings from Tule's recent online training events.
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By Team Tule, July 10, 2017
For the first time in the history of farming, you and other Tule customers will have forecasts of the plant water stress for each block. Your improved Tule dashboard will roll out over the next few weeks and will include...
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By Team Tule, July 27, 2016
We’ve heard from many growers that early season irrigation decisions can be some of the most difficult and the most critical. Tule’s spring water budget can help with these irrigation decisions if sensors are installed before cover crops are established and the rain season begins...
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By Team Tule, July 19, 2016
Are you applying for the 2016 State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP) Round II of funding? This round of funding will distribute up to $18 million to California growers investing in irrigation systems that reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and save water. There is a clear alignment between Tule Actual ET sensors and SWEEP’s priorities to address GHG emission reductions and water conservation...
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By Team Tule, May 26, 2016
A set of videos to guide you in using the Tule web dashboard and the iPhone app, updated with new features added in 2016.
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By Team Tule, April 18, 2016
The beginning of a new season is a time of great promise. It is the promise that we will replicate the successes (and avoid the mistakes!) of past seasons. Concerned with producing the perfect canopy size to meet their production goals this year, growers compare this year’s conditions to past experience to inform spring irrigation decisions. With the new improvements to Tule’s canopy monitoring tool...
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By Team Tule, March 28, 2016
Even with the recent rainfall, you may need to irrigate in order to hit your target canopy size and achieve your desired yield. With low rainfall in regions such as Lodi, the Central Coast and the San Joaquin Valley, some sites have little water stored in the soil profile and could use early irrigations to meet their production goals for this season. Here’s a look at the early season irrigation needs by region...
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By Team Tule, February 8, 2016
We are proud to be honored as one of the 2016 World Ag Expo Top-10 New Products this year. Come learn more about remotely monitoring crop water use and crop water stress in your field at Booth #2413 Pavilion A & B...
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By Team Tule, January 5, 2016
Update from November 2016: this program is no longer active. Please contact us at sales@tuletechnologies.com to get updated information.
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By Team Tule, December 17, 2015
Are you applying for the 2016 State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP) Round I of funding? This round of funding will distribute up to $16 million to California growers investing in irrigation systems that reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and save water. There is a clear alignment between Tule Actual ET sensors and SWEEP’s priorities to address GHG emission reductions and water conservation. Tule sensors fit under the Project Type - Weather, Soil or Plant based sensors for irrigation scheduling...
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By Team Tule, September 28, 2015
As you may know, monitoring and minimizing plant stress during postharvest is one of the most important things you can do to ensure fruitful future yields. Using Tule’s FieldStat, you can monitor the crop stress of your field daily and remotely during this critical time. Below, we quickly review the effects of water stress for each growth stage of almonds, as supported by current academic research...
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By Team Tule, August 17, 2015
We are excited to announce the Tule iPhone app is now available. Not only is Tule data now easier to access on the go and in the field, but the iPhone app also unveils a major new feature called FieldStat...
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By Team Tule, July 16, 2015
We are excited to announce the Tule iPhone app is now available. Not only is Tule data now easier to access on the go and in the field, but the iPhone app also unveils a major new feature called FieldStat...
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By Tom Shapland, PhD, July 14, 2015
We are thrilled to unveil FieldStat, a superpower for growers. FieldStat is the superpower to accurately know the water stress of every field, every day, and without wasting time driving to each field. With FieldStat, a grower knows the status of all of his fields – at any time, from any place, and with absolute certainty...
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By Tom Shapland, PhD, June 12, 2015
We know your time is valuable. We’ve recorded the recent Tule Dashboard training, so you can watch it at your convenience. Watch the video or dive into the links below to learn how to utilize the Tule dashboard to make efficient irrigation decisions...
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By Tom Shapland, PhD, May 4, 2015
We are excited to release our newest feature -- the Tule Irrigation Recommendation! Every irrigation manager must answer two questions: 1) What is the water status of my field? and, 2) What do I do about it? Tule's remote water stress monitoring (the Plant Response Index, or PRI) and the Tule Target PRI help you answer the first question. The Tule Irrigation Recommendation helps you answer the second question. It provides you with an irrigation amount to achieve the Tule Target PRI...
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By Tom Shapland, PhD, April 21, 2015
One of the most important milestones for a successful growing season is sufficient canopy growth to support your yield targets. The new Tule Target PRI helps you get your field to its full canopy size and yield potential...
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